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Justin Trudeau claims the 'disgusting' truckers' protest would not deter Canada. | Hot News

Justin Trudeau told the press on Monday that such behaviour has no place in Canada, speaking from a secure location days after he left his home in the wake of the Freedom Convoy protest in Ottawa. He has also tested positive for Covid.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, who claims to have tested positive for Covid-19 and has been in an unknown location since the truckers' protest began, declared that the protests in Ottawa do not scare Canadians. He described their reactions as "disgusting" and "shocking." "I understand how frustrating this pandemic is. It's annoying that we're still fighting COVID-19 after two years. However, Canadians have been horrified - and, frankly, disgusted - by the behaviour of certain protesters in our nation's capital over the last few days "In a series of tweets, Trudeau added.

"I want to be clear: individuals who throw obscenities at small business owners and steal food from the needy do not scare us. We will not yield to those who wave bigoted banners. We will not give in to those who commit damage or desecrate the legacy of our veterans "he explained

"This kind of behaviour has no place in Canada. So, to those who are responsible, please put an end to it. And to those who joined the convoy but are offended by the symbols of hatred and division on display: be brave and speak up. Do not stand for or in support of intolerance and hatred "he continued.

Following the truckers' protest in Ottawa against the vaccine mandate, Trudeau and his family left their residence in the country's capital and relocated to a secret location. Since Friday, dozens of trucks and other vehicles have been clogging up central Ottawa, putting a strain on the delivery of supplies to the city. Truckers have been honking their horns nonstop in protest of mandated vaccination. The protest has been well-funded, with a GoFundMe effort raising over C$7 million ($5.4 million; £4 million) from over 99,000 donors.

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