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Ukraine tensions: More than a dozen nations warn citizens to leave


In response to Western warnings that an invasion by Russia may be imminent, more than a dozen countries have urged their citizens to leave Ukraine.

The United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany are among the countries that have instructed their citizens to depart.

Moscow has assembled an estimated 100,000 troops on Ukraine's border, but denies any intention of invading the country.

President Joe Biden of the United States cautioned Russian President Vladimir Putin of the consequences of any invasion in a phone call.

In turn, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warned that invasion warnings could incite fear, which he described as "our enemies' closest ally."

The White House has warned that an invasion may occur at any time, and that it could start with aerial bombing. Such charges were labelled "provocative guesswork" by Russia.

Non-essential personnel have been instructed to leave the US Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine's capital, and consular services will be discontinued as of Sunday, however "a limited consular presence" will be maintained in the western city of Lviv "to manage emergencies."

According to Canadian media, Canada is also relocating its embassy staff to Lviv, near the Polish border. Melinda Simmons, the UK ambassador to Ukraine, tweeted that she and a "core staff" will remain in Kyiv.

Russia is making changes as well, announcing that it will "optimise the staffing" of its diplomats in Ukraine in response to "potential acts of provocation by the Kyiv regime or third nations."

In addition, the US has withdrew 150 servicemen who were training Ukrainian forces from the nation, citing a need for safety. KLM, a Dutch airline, has also declared that it will stop flying to Ukraine, starting immediately, according to Dutch media.

Mr Zelensky stated that he had yet to see any concrete proof of an approaching invasion from Western forces.

"I believe there is far too much information about a full-scale conflict in the media," he remarked.

"We are aware of all the dangers and are aware that they exist. Please share any more 100% credible facts you or someone else has about the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine With us," he says.

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