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He wakes up in darkness,

Darkness not of night,

But of the smoke that rises

and blocks out the light.

He stumbles upon bundles,
Bundles of money,
And in confusion he fumbles, His       body screams he      is  hungry,

He  searched and    searched around,
He cried and wailed,

All  silenced  by the deafening       sound,

His searches have failed.
He opened the dusty window,
The smell of mutilation hit his nose,
But, nothing to feed his hunger though,
He feels death tightening its noose.

The wisest animal on   the  planet squirm, they wriggle on the streets like a dying snake.

Nothing else survived, not even a worm.
Nothing to drink from, No sea or river, no Brooke or lake.
He  still looks out in search of something
somebody sowed,
Something to satisfy his hunger,
But  he only sees chimneys still emitting a vicious cloud.
He could not keep his body up longer.

All the landslides, the earthquakes, the flood,
Nothing could take his life
But now he needs food,

He has to end his strife
No other options remain,
He decides to accept his fate and walks
But he stumbles again,
He falls, right on his back.
He strains himself to find,
Then he sees the bundles besides his feet.
Memories of a past flash in his mind,

And then he remembers, you can’t eat money.

There’s enough on this planet for everyone’s needs but not for everyone’s greed

                                                                      - Mohandas Gandhi

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