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300 crore eggs arrive from other states in Kerala, making it a viable poultry business

If you're looking for a business opportunity in Kerala, the greatest choice is to start a chicken business, as there is a 300-crore-egg shortage every year.

this also comes from the southern states.

According to a top official of the state-owned Kerala State Poultry Development Corporation (Kepco), the state's yearly egg requirement is 565 crore, with domestic production accounting for only 260 crore.

According to Sukumaran Nair, Kepco's chief marketing officer, the company's attempts to enhance production have resulted in a 75-crore increase in the last five years.

He went on to say that Kepco, in an effort to boost egg output even more, has begun distributing chicks from the B.V.380 breed, which can lay 300 eggs per year.

This breed has also been discovered to be resistant to health problems, and after it has finished laying eggs, each bird weighs more than 2 kg, which is also extra money.

Kepco has recently partnered with the Local Self Government to provide cages and chicks to interested farmers, with the goal of closing the gap between egg consumption and imports from neighbouring states.


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