Breaking News

Breaking:A new coronavirus variant has been detected among bats by Wuhan Scientists

NeoCov refers to a new coronavirus, which Wuhan researchers claim to have discovered in South African bats. This isn't SARs-CoV-2 or a related virus. MERS Coronavirus is linked to this.

The World Health Organization has stated that more research is needed to determine whether the NeoCov coronavirus, which has been detected in bats in South Africa, poses a hazard to people. "Further research is needed to determine whether the virus detected in the study poses a risk to humans," WHO told Russian news agency Tass. The World Health Organization is aware of Wuhan scientists' recent discovery and is in contact with the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization to respond.

"More than 75 percent of all emerging infectious diseases in humans are caused by animals, particularly wild animals, with many of these diseases being caused by novel viruses. Coronaviruses can be found in a wide range of mammals, including bats, which have been recognised as a natural reservoir for several of these viruses "WHO has stated.

The World Health Organization has stated that more research is needed to determine whether the NeoCov coronavirus, which has been detected in bats in South Africa, poses a hazard to people. "Further research is needed to determine whether the virus detected in the study poses a risk to humans," WHO told Russian news agency Tass.The World Health Organization is aware of Wuhan scientists' recent discovery and is in contact with the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization to respond.

"More than 75 percent of all emerging infectious diseases in humans are caused by animals, particularly wild animals, with many of these diseases being caused by novel viruses. Coronaviruses can be found in a wide range of mammals, including bats, which have been recognised as a natural reservoir for several of these viruses "WHO has stated.

This novel variety was reported in a study paper that has yet to be peer-reviewed by Chinese scholars. This virus, they stated, has a high fatality and transmission rate. It is not SARS-CoV-2, but rather the MERS Coronavirus, which has the potential to kill one out of every three people afflicted.

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What is MERS-Coronavirus, and how does it spread?

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