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Photos from space highlight North Korea's missile tests | Hot News

North Korea has released photos from its most powerful missile launch in five years, claiming they were shot during the launch.

The odd images from space depict parts of the Korean peninsula and its environs.

Pyongyang confirmed on Monday that a Hwasong-12 intermediate-range ballistic missile had been successfully tested (IRBM).

It can travel thousands of kilometres at full power, placing areas like the US island of Guam within striking distance.

The latest test has alarmed the international community once more.

Pyongyang has launched a total of seven missiles in the last month, a frenzy of activity that has been fiercely condemned by the United States, South Korea, Japan, and other countries.

North Korea is prohibited from testing ballistic and nuclear missiles by the United Nations, which has imposed severe sanctions. The East Asian state, on the other hand, often ignores the restriction.

On Monday, US officials suggested that the latest increase in activities supported resuming discussions with Pyongyang.

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