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A Talk With Deepak Anchangaparambil

Deepak Anchangaparambil – “You can never fully understand something until you experience it”


Mr. Deepak is an accomplished Motivational Speaker, Career Guidance Counselor, Writer, Blogger and Travel Enthusiast. 

Interviewing Mr. Deepak via video call, the hundreds of paper clippings all around his room will make anyone wonder, but he explains they are news articles, stories, poems, photos, pages from books, maps, everything that inspired his journey and taught him life lessons.

A man in his mid-twenties, he believes that a person can never prewrite his path in life and for that he gives his life as the best example for it. Deepak did B.Sc. Chemistry for his Graduation, and from his own words, “Chemistry was a subject that I loved, but I never wanted to pursue a career in it. During my college years, the nature club particularly attracted me, that’s when I decided I need to learn more about nature. Environmental Science was the subject where I can actually be in touch with nature while studying it.”   

He decided to do M.Sc. in Environmental Science and Management, but felt it was not enough.  “When I was doing my post-graduation, the Quiz club caught my attention. I became a member and soon began winning many competitions. Learning for quizzes led me to Indian Civil services and decided to give it a try. I wanted to be an administrator, and I wanted to learn about it” So, after his first post-graduation, he did a second one in Public Administration. But even after years of preparation, he could not crack the exam and it had left him disappointed for a while. But he decided to not stop trying and is still actively preparing for the exam.

Deepak says he completed three different subjects with enthusiasm for each of the subjects he learned and is looking forward to do a third PG now. After his second Post Graduation, the path he chose was that of a gypsy. He went on an all India Journey to learn about our Country and its vastly different cultures. And he explains what led to this journey “While studying Public Administration, I understood that, one major part of administration is understanding the people and culture we serve and I wanted to experience it first-hand. So, I decided to travel all over India and learn about our people.” 


Even though he has found success in almost every field he stepped in, his short temper is one of the aspects in his life he wishes to change. He says he has been triggered by issues that were trivial and regrets bursting out at those moments. He says that most of his writings started out of the rage against an issue. 

Deepak has written multiple articles, poems and short stories, which reflect the political and social issues that we are facing. He is an active blogger and says that “Writing seemed to be the best medium through which I can react to what is happening around. And we should all do it in any medium we can” 

When enquired about his different approach to life, he explained "You can never fully understand something fully until you experience it.” and it is indeed the best depiction of his journey, trying to understand the things that he wanted to know.

Interviewed by Akash Kurup (Reuters,India)


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