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From diabetes to digestion, shahtoot or mulberry provide a plethora of health advantages.

Mulberries (shahtoot) assist digestion, diabetes control, high cholesterol treatment, and cavity and gum disease prevention. Mulberries are high in iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, making them a nutrient powerhouse.

Shahtoot or mulberry, a purple-pink indigenous fruit that isn't always easy to come by, is prized for its unique sweet and tangy flavour. Its various variations can be found all over India, from Karnataka to Andhra Pradesh to Himachal Pradesh to Punjab, Maharashtra, Assam, and Manipur, albeit the taste of each type may differ slightly.

Shahtoot, also known as mulberry, is a high-protein, high-vitamin, and high-mineral food that has been utilised as a traditional medicine since ancient times. It was once thought to be an anti-cancer fruit in ancient China, and modern research is now looking into its many additional advantages.

According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, studies have revealed that mulberry fruits offer various possible pharmacological health benefits, including anti-cholesterol, anti-obesity, and hepatoprotective actions, which may be linked to the existence of several bioactive chemicals.

"They are beneficial to the heart, immunity, eyes, bones, and digestive system. They're great for your skin (they're high in antioxidants) and hair (they help you keep your natural hair colour) "Dr. Dixa Bhavsar elaborated on its many benefits in a recent Instagram post.

Mulberries are high in iron, riboflavin, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium, making them a nutrient powerhouse. They help with digestion, diabetic management, high cholesterol treatment, and cavity and gum disease prevention.

"Mulberries contain carbs that convert sugar to glucose, supplying energy to the cells," the specialist explains.

Mulberries are also beneficial in the treatment of diabetes. A study found that the S-1708 mulberry variety may be useful in the treatment of diabetes and its consequences. In addition, eating mulberries can help you get more iron and guarantee that your body tissues are getting enough oxygen.

It also solves your cosmetic problems by minimising hair loss, acne, improving your complexion, and slowing the ageing process.

"It helps minimise hair loss, acne, and pimples, delays ageing, is great for dry and sensitive skin, and is great for the liver," Dr. Bhavsar says.

"So, in general, they are beneficial to our health and aid in practically all bodily functions. So, if you happen to come across some, just get your hands full and enjoy them "adds the professional.

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