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A Pakistani man was lynched over a blasphemy allegation

According to police and officials in central Pakistan, a crowd lynched a man for reportedly burning pages of the Muslim holy book the Koran, and also many  people were arrested.

Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered actions against the mob and any police who stood by while the killing took place.

"Anyone who takes the law into their own hands will face the full force of the law," he stated in a tweet.

More than 60 persons suspected of being involved in the lynching have been arrested, according to a government spokesman, with more suspects being identified through social media footage recorded by locals in Tulamba, Khanewal district.

According to police officer Munawar Hussain, the mob gathered at a mosque on Saturday night after the son of the prayer leader stated that he had seen the man burning pages from the holy book.

According to Hussain, cops arrived to locate the man unconscious and bound to a tree, and some mob also attacked the officers.

"The locals killed him and hanged his body from a tree with batons, axes, and iron rods," Hussain added.

According to the evidence acquired thus far by authorities, the deceased guy, Muhammad Mushtaq, was in his 50s and appeared to have mental impairments.

In Muslim-majority Pakistan, mob killings over allegations of blasphemy, a crime that carries the death penalty, are fairly common.

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